So, my battery use in settings only shows display and cell standby. Also shows talk usage when applicable.
Anybody have an idea? I had this issue with some custom roms on my D1.
Wondering if it's because I'm rooted...? Used easyroot because I missed being able to use drocap, but I'd rather have accurate battery use stats. Haven't had my x for very long and I'm wondering how my old apps are performing on it as well as how some new ones are.
Emitted from X.
Anybody have an idea? I had this issue with some custom roms on my D1.
Wondering if it's because I'm rooted...? Used easyroot because I missed being able to use drocap, but I'd rather have accurate battery use stats. Haven't had my x for very long and I'm wondering how my old apps are performing on it as well as how some new ones are.
Emitted from X.