I took my x off the charger this morning at like 6:30 a.m. I was using it off and on all day for voice calls, and web browsing, etc. About 5:00 p.m. I had around 70% battery left. I checked out my engagdet and onin news network app and then after 5 min of reading, I was down to 30%. 5 min after that, at 20%. Looked at my battery use readings, and it only says Display 42%, voice Calls 40%, Cell standby 15%, and phone idle 5%. The clencher is that it says 3h 19m 23s since unplugged. I havent had it plugged in since 6:30 am. It's 10:57 pm now. I'm no math expert but I dont think thats 3 hours. Also, Shouldnt there be more apps in the battery use section? Like, what do some of your phones say after a day of mild use in the battery use area?