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Battery life sucks!!!


New Member
I was wondering how I would be able to conserve power on my droid x.. the battery numbers are phone idle 25% and phone standby is at 20%.. is there any way to lower these numbers so that the phone will be alive for an entire day?

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Those numbers don't seem too bad for a phone a that's not being used much. I say that because I've used my phone very little this morning (some light browsing for reading some forums, reading some emails, checking weather forecast, etc.) and my numbers for those two categories is about the same and my overall battery life is truly excellent. Listed below are some generic battery tips. Some may not apply to the Droid X (I don't have one).

Here's my tips for longer battery life:

1. (Doesn’t apply to all phones) Go to settings/wireless & networks/mobile networks/Enable always-on data. Uncheck always on data. Your phone will still receive email, text, & phone calls as before as well as internet usage but your battery will last a lot longer.

2. Emails: I don't know what email app you use, but try this. It saves battery power and in some cases emails arrive quicker. This scheme will have you using only the Gmail app on the phone for all email accounts whether they are pop3 accounts or Gmail. Go to the Google Gmail inbox on your computer and log into the Gmail account. On the top right of the screen is an option called Settings. In there is an option to have the Gmail program poll your regular, non-Gmail accounts. Provide the email address and the password. The Google Gmail program will then poll your other accounts on a frequency from 1-5 minutes and push the email immediately to your phone. The polling frequency is determined by each account's activity - more emails = faster polling. It will always be no less frequent than every five minutes. This saves battery power because on the android OS pop3 accounts are polled at a frequency of 1-30 minutes and that really eats battery. Because the phone goes and checks those accounts for mail whether there is mail there or not.

3. If you are using Live Wall Papers, stop!

4. Use wifi any time it is available. It uses a lot less power than 3G and it is much faster.

5. If there are widgets that automatically update (facebook, weather, etc.) change their update frequency in their settings menu. Set them to 30mins or 1 hour.

6. Oh, almost forgot, get the extended battery from Verizon.

7. Turn off the GPS unless you are actually using it. There are some background apps that can burn a lot of power via a live gps.

8. The Power Control Widget is a good tool for easily turning on and off some of these features (gps, wifi, screen brightness, etc.).

9. From the home screen do the following: menu/settings/About Phone/Battery Use. This graph will show the 10 biggest power users on the phone. It should always be Screen as the top user and the android os, android system, phone standby and phone idle should be the other top users. If there is an app listed you should determine if it’s an app you actually use a lot or do you have a rogue app that needs to be uninstalled.

10. Get Screebl. It will turn your phone off anytime you are not actively using it.

11. If you have either a task killer or an anti-virus app installed, you should uninstall.
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Thanks a lot! I will get the extended battery and try a few on the list! I like the google mail option, that should work out well!

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
How long do you want the stock battery to last? 10 hours, 12, 15...20+ ? What all do you want to be able to do with the phone during the day...what I mean is, what are you willing to sacrifice in order to conserve battery?

Below attached is a snap shot I just took of my Droid X battery statistics...battery currently showing 40% remaining...and here is how I have my phone set-up every day.

1) GPS & Bluetooth - OFF - Manual ON when needed

2) WiFi - OFF - Manual ON when needed

3) Charter/Gmail Email Sync - Wifi Only

4) No Task Killers/Anti Virus Apps installed!

5) Beautiful Widgets - Refresh Set to MANUAL

6) No Social Widgets Used = No random data being pushed

7) Screen - AUTO

8) Battery - Nightime Saver Mode

**9) Juice Defender installed and running DEFAULT Profile for testing purposes - No known benefit as of yet...1 full day testing so far.**

I routinely get get 12-17 hours of use out of my "stock+rooted" DX...thats with an average of 15-20 texts, 5-10 voice calls around 3-5 minutes, multiple internet surfing/YouTube sessions of about 5-10 minutes, and then a full 1 hour ride home running PowerAmp through my car stereo, and lastly, multiple Market searches and downloads and possibly 1-3 hours of Kindle Book Reading.


**I have other snap shots prior to Juice Defender showing 17+ hours of use...so I am not "sold" on Juice Defender doing anything proactive while on the "default" setting at this time.**
i have adjusted my setting to where i am ok with my battery life for now, i use my gps a lot so that is really straining on the battery, i know.. i think i might still pick up the extended battery pack from verizon though.. i hear you can still easily fit it into the cases and also use the factory/original battery cover.
One last question, is it true that your phone has to be rooted in order to take snapshots?? this would be very convienent if there was a way to do it since i do not want to root my phone in fear of problems down the road....
I usually have either 1 or 2 bars of 1X or 3G at all times. I never do not have service therefore my phone is never searching for the network. I would prefer not to use airplane mode for the sake of my sanity.. I don't like the idea of shutting myshelf off signal wise. Any other advice, I cannot wait to get the extended battery! Right now my phone is lasting the entire day so I am somewhat satisfied. I am a light user but I want to be able to use my phone heavily without charging it twice daily. Thanks folks!!!

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I have one quick question again.. do annimations use battery? If so, would turning them off show any difference in overall battery life?

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
I have one quick question again.. do annimations use battery? If so, would turning them off show any difference in overall battery life?

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App

They do, but it is minimal. Personally, I turned them off on my X on the first day...eye candy does not impress me...15+ hours of battery with 30-40% remaining after that 15+ hours does...but thats just me.:)

BTW...I noticed in an earlier post you were going to get the Extended Battery and just use the stock battery door...do so at your own risk!

Moto wouldnt make a new door if it wasnt needed...especially if you consider Verizon sells battery with the door included...
Yes I know they include the door, but if the extended battery door is intalled will the covers still fit? I heard that using the original door was the best because it minimizes the bulk on the back making it possible to still use the existing cases and covers. The original still fits, its just a little tight from what I hear. Any suggestions? Should I use the original or do you think it would break? My phone is in the case where it slides face first into a belt holster so the back of the phone is never exposed.

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If you have a shell holster you dont need to use the battery cover I have the carbon fiber holster with extemded battery and no battery cover installed. Its fine

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What he said ^^^...run the phone in the case with no cover on the battery....shouldn't be a problem...

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
And most cases work with the extended battery cover; there's hardly a difference. But as others have said, do not use stock cover. Use the cover Verizon gives you. (On an unrelated note, I haven't noticed all that much difference in battery life with extended battery, but it seems as if I am in the minority. I get maybe an extra half-hour to 45 minutes per day. Maybe.)