I have the OEM extended battery (bh6x). When I got it, I let the battery run until it died, fully charged while the phone was off, then wiped battery stats and performed the full charge/discharge cycle twice. On rooted stock FroYo I was only getting like 24 hours out of my battery.
I had a few issues after flashing to the rooted OTA gingerbread, so I wiped stats and performed two full charge/discharge cycles of the battery and that made a huge difference.
My display setting is set to automatic brightness. I have WiFi always on, and have changed the scan interval to 4 minutes (I use wifi 90% of the time, at home and work which is only a 10 minute drive apart). Bluetooth is disabled, GPS always on.
Corporate sync for email is set to a 15 minute check.
No facebook or twitter, so those are not constantly checking. My weather widget is set to only update every 6 hours.
Battery saver is set to custom, do not disable data during peak off. Off peak (9:00pm to 5:30am) disable after 15 minutes. Most of my time is spent playing games, and like I said I consistently get 5-6 hours of display on time. If I play less and use the phone more for some voice calls and light web browsing, I have hot 48 hours on a single charge no issue.
Edit: I am currently at 7 hours unplugged, 1 hour display on time and 80% battery. I find that I average about 15% battery usage for every 1 hour display on time. As noted in my signature, I am undervolted but that honestly seems to only make a difference of a couple of hours and only when in standby, actual usage time has not really changed.