Battery Life Miui vs UD


Nov 23, 2009
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What is everyone else's experience with battery life between the two ROMs? I went from UD 8 to Miui and battery life suffered. I recently came back to UD 2.3 partly expecting battery life improvements. I am not seeing any. In fact, they are about equal, which is disappointing since it is half of what I got on UD 8. I have wiped battery stats and have the same set up on my phone, including kernels. What i have noticed is that wifi seems to be a battery drain instead of a saver in both ROMs. Am I the only one experiencing this? Has anyone else found new tricks to improve battery life in newer ROMs?

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The first thing I would suggest is to stick with the stock kernel when using either of those roms, at least for a while. I've used both roms and get good battery life with either. When I do change roms its always to the Slayher 1.6 1000mhz rom. This one just works well on my phone.

God luck.

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Haven't ran UD 2.3 for long enough to have an opinion, but I know that I'm getting 8-10 hours on the newest MIUI. I was about to go back to 2.3 to check out it's battery life but I may just wait for 2.4 now. Hopefully it really comes out tonight!

Edit: I use the P3 1000LV clocked @ 800MHz on Performance on all ROMs.

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Seems like I get slightly better battery life on UD 2.3. Stock kernel BTW.

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newest miui may have won me over, i run it with slayhers old 125-800 kernel and its just as good as ud 2.3.

also miui doesnt suffer from the huge slowdown i get from ud if i play a large music file and get online.
newest miui may have won me over, i run it with slayhers old 125-800 kernel and its just as good as ud 2.3.

also miui doesnt suffer from the huge slowdown i get from ud if i play a large music file and get online.

I don't experience this at all with UD 2.3. I use Slayher's kernels too. Oh, well. :)
I run Slayhers 800 on both clocked at 700 and at first I was getting better life on UD. But after running MIUI for @2 days now, both are about the same.
UD ROMS are definitely sucking more juice the last couple of releases no matter what anyone says, some kernels better than others but overall batter life not as good, but still would never switch, still the best rom
UD ROMS are definitely sucking more juice the last couple of releases no matter what anyone says, some kernels better than others but overall batter life not as good, but still would never switch, still the best rom
I think it's the Slayher kernels. They run hot and they drain fast. With Slayher's LV 1100MHz kernel, my battery would be at 20% or less at the end of the day. With Chevy's most recent LV 1100MHz kernel, the battery rarely gets below 50%. This is the same amount of daily usage with both kernels.

Other possibility is it could be compcache in my case. Slayher's got it, Chevy dont.
I cant get MIUI to give me accurate battery readings. After wiping battery stats it still sticks at 5% for an hour
yea UD230 kinda drank my batter somewhat fast, or at least faster than i was used to...

LFY 1.1ghz using interactive gov, got about a day 8-10pm under moderate use...