Background Wifi?


New Member
Jun 19, 2012
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There seems to be a difference in the way the phone handles background (i.e. when the screen is off) wifi between either eclipse 2.2 & 3.0 or build .902 vs. .905

When i was on eclipse 2.2 and build .902 background wifi seemed to stay connected (unless the phone was in battery saver, standby, etc.)
Now that i'm on eclipse 3.0 and build .905 wifi disconnects when i turn the screen off.

Anyone know how to make wifi stay on when my screen is turned off?

And yes I've checked through all my wifi settings, and made sure background data manager/battery data manager isn't causing this.

The transfer is very smooth and I wouldn't normally notice it, but I use Llama location profiles to manage my phone. The result is that every time i turn my screen off my phone goes hunting for 4G. Then, when I turn on the screen 4G goes away; and the endless cycle of battery drainage continues.