Avoid HTC


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Dec 29, 2015
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Hey all, hopefully your doing homework on your next phone. Avoid HTC. They do not back up their product. I am stuck in a contract with Verizon with a phone that will not charge. They are aware of the issues several are having but will not do anything to help you out.
They offered to repair the phone, but I have to be without a phone for two weeks and they want a credit card hold for $600. They could not guarantee it would return better. The battery life stinks, and I ha e only had the phone for 14 moths. I have the HTC One m8 and its a piece of crap. Thanks for nothing HTC.
It's things like that that are the reason why I always hang on to at least one old device as a spare. I've almost never had to use them, but it's sure nice to have one handy when you need to send a phone off and they won't give you a loaner.
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Welcome to the forum @ssorensen0070 ! Sorry to hear about the problems you're having with Verizon & HTC. Can I ask, are you going through the insurance you purchased through Verizon, or just Verizon & HTC directly? The reason I ask is that most smartphone manufacturers' base warranty is only for a year, and it's pretty limited in terms of either repairing the device or replacing it outright. Many of us purchase third party insurance for this very reason. Whether it's through your carrier, or a separate company. It helps because no matter what the problem is, they'll replace your device within a day or two. Asurion, which is Verizon's insurance carrier, sends you a new (well....refurbished usually, but they look, work & have the same warranty as new) within 24 hours. And for those of us that rely on our smartphones, it's worth the additional fee.
As @Jonny Kansas mentioned, Have you tried asking them to provide you with a loner device? They usually won't have a problem doing this but you do have to ask them.

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