It kind of seems like a shoot yourself in the foot moment, but according to sources ASUS will be utilizing their partnership with AdBlock Plus to natively block ads in their stock Android browser. The trend for OEMs to block internet ads is kind of stupid in my opinion. The internet as it stands does not exist without ads. Ads bring a monetary incentive for websites to push out content. Without money websites can't operate. If there are no websites there is no need for smartphones.
The reason it has come to this is also the fault of websites who have relied too heavily on ads. When traditional stationary synchronous ads fail some websites resort to very annoying scrolling, irremovable ads. I can understand the frustration with those types of ads. In fact I have stopped visiting some of the sites that utilize these intrusive ads. I would never turn off ads completely though. As a content creator I know just how crucial ads are to the internet.
The default browser on all ASUS Android phones and tablets ads will be blocked by default.
We're extremely happy to team up with Asus, the first major hardware manufacturer to integrate ad blocking into their mobile devices. This is another call for innovation in the ad industry—a call getting louder by the day.
There are 15million people currently using the ASUS browser. ASUS hopes that blocking ads by default will just be another feature that draws in new customers.
via Motherboard