Aria Smart Watch Gesture Control


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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The Android Wear community is continuing to grow and expand. One company is looking to add another dimension to gesture control. Check out the video above for Aria.
Interesting Concept but seems to add bulk and adds significant Cost to ANY Android Wear Watch you will Purchase. Lets see about integration with the Watches itself.
Frankly, the gestures are not looking as easy as he is obviously trying to make them look. And I'm right-handed so doing these gestures with my left hand looks cumbersome. My left hand simply isn't as coordinated as my right.
Frankly, the gestures are not looking as easy as he is obviously trying to make them look. And I'm right-handed so doing these gestures with my left hand looks cumbersome. My left hand simply isn't as coordinated as my right.
I do agree with that. I wasnt even thinking about the fact that I am Right handed and would be in the same boat. lol
Yeah, the 'flick' seems cumbersome and needs getting used to. Why not have a flexible pressure sensor on the wrist that is triggered by the tendon movement in the wrist. moving the fingers would then activate the controls. possibly a index finger and thumb double tap for activation. meh