I know you Droid Pro guys are really sporting Mullets! You're all business in the front and PARTY in the back! Well, its time to let your Droid Pro get its party on! Thanks to "13th Angel" you now have a Custom Gingerbread ROM for your Pro! The ApeX Rom developed by "Fabdroid" which gained an incredible following of devout fanboys on the DroidX has been officially ported to your device!
Experience your Droid Pro the way Google intended! This Rom Is built on 2.3.3 Gingerbread, includes a Gingerbread theme, is fully deodexed, debloated, and replaces the stock launcher with a much snappier ADWlauncher which is customizable through launcher settings. This Rom features an AOSP lockscreen, and all stock apps (except dialer/contacts) have been replaced with their AOSP/CM7 counterparts. This also includes some goodies like ApeX wallpapers, MusicMod with gesture controls, and Quadrant "Turbo" mode for ridiculous Quadrant scores!

You will feel like you have purchased a new phone. This is a totally new experience from stock and you will notice the performance enhancements instantly!
By DroidModderX
Source: Grab this ROM now while its hot! - From the forums.