Just want to throw this out there for the OP and anyone else having serious problems after loading Froyo.
I had been rooted, overclocked, and ran just about all the custom roms from the major developers (2.1 roms). However, all froyo based roms cause my Droid to freeze and become unresponsive to all input (screen, power button, and soft touch keys), requiring a battery pull to reset.
I always wipe data and cache 3x before installing any rom, and I always start out with zero 3rd party apps, and don't use antivirus or task killer apps. Tried different launchers, etc. Same results every time. I have even left the Droid alone for 30 minutes to let it finish syncing apps and contacts following a rom installation. Even then, I see my Droid spontaneously reboot at about 20 minutes.
The few times I actually did get a froyo rom (FRB01B) running on my Droid well, it doesn't last. As soon as I get an unresponsive screen, it becomes unusable after pulling the battery and rebooting.
It is for this reason that I suspect that there is something wrong (hardware) with my Droid that is preventing it from running froyo. 2.1 roms run fine on it. I have unrooted and gone back to completely stock configuration to await the official Verizon release of FRG22 next week. Then I will accept the update, which I fully expect to make my Droid run like cr@p. Then I will take it to Verizon to get a new/refurbished Droid that will run froyo.