Any reports of audio studder/skipping probklems like on my d@^& X2???


New Member
I am a music teacher. I use my phone to stream my huge collection of elementary school music and my X2 is driving me crazy!! The audio studders and skips. My DX didnt. The D1 struggles to keep up and my poor X2 just has issues. I now will buy a Razr Maxx Wednesday and end this foolishness.

Does anyone know of any issues related to audio playback with the Razr Maxx?


Cant wait for payday!!


Staff member
I've not had any problems streaming my personal music via Motocast, Amazon MP3, or Google Music. I've also not any any problems with streaming internet radio or with playing audio that's locally stored on the device/SD card.


New Member
Thanks for the replies. I am getting my new Razr Maxx after work! It is going to be a longgggg day today.....DancingNexus