I like the stock 2.2 home for Android on my Droid 1. I really, really, really dislike having to wait 20 seconds for the icons to pop up when I open/close the keyboard.
Ill take any new suggestions for fixing that, but I've done everything from freeing up more memory, removing the number of icons displayed, removing apps, putting the home launcher always in memory, editing files, etc., etc. I've heard this is not an issue in some home replacements. It seems the most highly recommended are Home ++ and Helix launcher, no?
Well, I'd rather not have to configure my home screens again. I could deal with that more than the folders though. I have a lot of folders with icons in them. I don't want to redo those. Will any of these replacements copy or import the layout I have now to the replacement, so I can be comfortable in switching? Any suggestions on alternatives?
Ill take any new suggestions for fixing that, but I've done everything from freeing up more memory, removing the number of icons displayed, removing apps, putting the home launcher always in memory, editing files, etc., etc. I've heard this is not an issue in some home replacements. It seems the most highly recommended are Home ++ and Helix launcher, no?
Well, I'd rather not have to configure my home screens again. I could deal with that more than the folders though. I have a lot of folders with icons in them. I don't want to redo those. Will any of these replacements copy or import the layout I have now to the replacement, so I can be comfortable in switching? Any suggestions on alternatives?