Xmas Android Tablet Give Away!

This tablet looks like it could handle the basic stuff i do online...thanks to droid forums and for this giveaway!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks Good

Tablet looks great, makes me want to play Angry Birds, but it would be a great gift for my Art Student.
All I want for christmas is my 2.2 tablet, my 2.2 tablet, my 2.t tablet.....
That would be an AWESOME holiday gift to the ol' Mammal to figure out what to do with. :D

Oh, and since my phone and computer both borked while I was trying to type that up...

Thank YOU! Best Deals on Android Tablet,Tablet PC,Smartphones,Apple Accessories,Cool Gadgets & more from Hong Kong China and Android Tablet Forum for both rocking so much! :icon_ banana:

hmmmmm….you may want her to enter herself. I don't know if staff are eligible.

I posted in the Mod forum that it would be a real good idea for Admin to give these to mods and certain RS members, and apparently they liked the idea. But they are offering them to members. Another lump of coal for us. :(
Darn. And staff here means no joy there. Ah well. :(
one sweet package under the tree

man thanks so much and for giving us a shot
at winning such a cool prize.this would be an awesome gift to give my 7 year old who all he wants is a ipad,told him we dont support the hardware with the apple on the back.he was like, oh thats cool what are you going to get instead?wow kids nowadays
Damn that's one nice Android tablet. Wouldn't mind winning that.
I would like to thank and for the opportunity to win!!!!! :D
android tablet giveaway!

Thank u and !! Not only has this forum helped me out IMMENSLEY with any issues I have I get the chance to win an AWESOME prize! Thanks again!
merry christmas to me

Thank you for the gift (fingers crossed):icon_ banana: