Xmas Android Tablet Give Away!

Thanks for the free giveaway DF and Ive never won anything, so heres hoping to finally winning something....something sweet too.
A Merry Christmas this would make. Thank you and for this promotion!!!!!!!
I'm in the market for a tablet, so I signed up for to learn as much as I can before I take the plunge! I'd love to be a winner of the contest, so good luck to whoever that may be and thank you to for the contest!
That would be an AWESOME holiday gift to the ol' Mammal to figure out what to do with. :D

Oh, and since my phone and computer both borked while I was trying to type that up...

Thank YOU! Best Deals on Android Tablet,Tablet PC,Smartphones,Apple Accessories,Cool Gadgets & more from Hong Kong China and Android Tablet Forum for both rocking so much! :icon_ banana:

hmmmmm….you may want her to enter herself. I don't know if staff are eligible.

I posted in the Mod forum that it would be a real good idea for Admin to give these to mods and certain RS members, and apparently they liked the idea. But they are offering them to members. Another lump of coal for us. :(
I just realized today is my wifes birthday and i didnt get her anything, maybe i can tell her the present hasnt arrived yet, and give her a android tablet. Hopefully i will win, but if not i guess i will be buying one.....Thanks
Thank you and for this wonderful christmas present!! It will be nice to actually have something under the tree for me this year!!