I just got my Droid 2 about a week ago, and the Verizon employee did the backup assitant thing like they normally do, i made a gmail account there and they "took care of the rest." Upon getting home i checked my gmail and it says i have no contacts. I've synced my contacts with my gmail from my phone, but i can only see the calendar when i log into my gmail.
Even logging on to my verizon website and going to back up assistant contacts, it says i have 0 there as well and is stuck on a syncing/loading screen. I've synced my contacts with my gmail, but i can only see the calendar when i log into gmail.
Any idea of what's going on? Any help would be appreciated, thanks
Even logging on to my verizon website and going to back up assistant contacts, it says i have 0 there as well and is stuck on a syncing/loading screen. I've synced my contacts with my gmail, but i can only see the calendar when i log into gmail.
Any idea of what's going on? Any help would be appreciated, thanks