Android "Organization Block"


Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
Hello again, Droid Forums. It's 17 yet again and I'll have a longer-than-normal post this time so I thought I'd warn you ahead of time before you read on, incase you're one of those "too long to read" type of people. xD

For a beginning, let me tell you abit about my phone. I have a non-rooted Motorola Droid/Milestone with the Verizon Wireless' network. I am currently running LauncherPro as my home-screen-of-choice. :)

I am running LauncherPro and it is working well for me so far, since I've been running it for about three weeks or so and I have to say I am glad with it's performance. Right now I have seven screens set but one is empty (can't figure out what to use it for yet) and I set five rows on the screens. I'll list my home screens in the next paragraph from order; left/right. :D

1) Far Left Unused
2) Mid Left This is a "folder" page, and has folders for school, work, social, reading, etc. :)
3) Left This page has things I use often but not quite enough to be on my "main screen".
4) Middle This is my "main screen" and has Contacts, Dolphin Browser HD, Handcent SMS, Email, and other things I use on a minute-to-minute base. I also have Beautiful Widgets on the top and Google Search on the bottom. :D
5) Right This is sorta a "time/date" and "news/weather" page and some of the apps I have there are Calender, Alarm Clock, Corporate Calender and I have news and weather widgets there. :)
6) Mid Right This is my "mutimedia" page with music, images, and videos.
7) Far Right I use this home screen as a "settings" page and some of the apps I have there include Astro File Manager, Settings, BatteryLite, and some switches for vibrate, silent, plane, brightness, and things of such nature.

And now for the problem... xD I am starting to play games and emulators more often on my phone and I can't figure out where to put my games on my home screens. Dx Its between either the blank screen or the "multimedia" screen. I'll list more on my multimedia page to explain the space used so far...

Since I have five rows set, this is my "multimedia" page right now...
ROW#1: <Unused><Camera><Gallery><More Icons Widget(AnDrawing, Floating Images, Backgrounds)>
ROW#2: <Unused><Music><Tunee Music><Shazam>
ROW#3: <Unused><Unused><Unused><YouTube>
ROW#4: <Unused><Unused><Unused><Unused>
ROW#5: <<<<TuneWiki Widget>>>>

Now, if you can, please help me maybe decide where to put my games and emulators. Please list the page as I did above if you can. I'll appreciate it. :) (Also, if you do help me to put it on my "multimedia" page, maybe suggest for what to put on my blank page. xD)


Dec 9, 2009
Reaction score
Well, if you like how you have it now, i'd suggest using the blank screen.

What I do, though, is have 4 folders on my main screen.

1: Main - cell phone functions such as phone calls, messaging, notepad, calculator
2: Favs - most used apps, such as browser, maps, gmail, etc.
3: Apps - apps that i use often still, but not as much as my favs (barcode scanner, games, etc)
4: tools - keeps all of my "under the hood" apps, like settings, ATK, better cut, mybackup pro

Anywho, this frees up all of those spaces that you currently have a bunch of scattered icons on. Also, this means that 90% of my used apps are on the main screen, leaving all of my other screens for widgets or very important shortcuts, such as a direct phone call to a contact, or my radar widget.