I've been dealing with a slow droid for a while now. Stock droid, 13 months old. I've been getting a message about low storage. Right now, I have 14.5 GB available on the SD card, and only 52 MB on internal storage. I have almost all my apps on the SD card, and few pics and movies in the gallery I don't know where the pics and bids are saving to. My phone has been locking up, slow to load the home page, and is now often so slow at using the on screen keyboard, that its unusable. Of course this is not all the time. I just dumped all my texts and most of my vidaeos and pics, so its doing better.
Why can't I use my SD card? It seems everything saves to internal storage. The more pics and videos, along with texts, the slower it gets.
I have version 2.2 and haven't gotten a message for the latest update. Phone says system is up to date.
Why can't I use my SD card? It seems everything saves to internal storage. The more pics and videos, along with texts, the slower it gets.
I have version 2.2 and haven't gotten a message for the latest update. Phone says system is up to date.