Android N Will Not Feature Free Form Multi Window


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Oct 6, 2011
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The Developer Preview builds introduced an awesome multiwindow feature that was especially useful on the Pixel-C. The feature is actually disabled by default, but with a bit of digging and work you end up with a freeform window mode which brings the ultimate in multitasking. Unfortunately it turns out that this feature will not make its way to the final version of N. Ian Lake an Android Developer Advocate explained that the APIs are public and easily accessible. This means that other OEMs can add this feature to their devices, but the Pixel C nor any other Nexus device will include the feature.
Well, buy a Nexus and root, unlock the bootloader. It's only a matter of time before the developer community will add that API back in.
I don't see why they would remove it. I haven't had any issues with it in the preview builds. WebOS had the best version of multitasking and it is time for Google to put Android ahead of that.