New Member
So I've had the Bionic for a little over a week now and I have been on this forum everyday reading other peoples problems and issues and seeing that a lot of people are just dissatisfied and even returning the phone. I'm just wondering if I am the only one who doesn't have a defective phone and actually likes my phone? I am fortunate to say i haven't had any major issues with the phone (except for a weird LED notification issue the first morning where it wouldn't stop blinking, but that's fixed now). I went from a rooted DINC to this phone, so the speed of the phone and the 4G network just blew me away. The size is a little bulkier than I'm used to, but after a day of use i didn't even notice the size. My battery will last me all day after i unplug it in the morning and i usually just throw it on the charger when i get home from work so i can have a full battery if i go out or something. To me the display looks great and my camera and everything works exactly how i would expect it to. Recording videos in HD works and looks great, and I just ordered the mini HDMI cable and I should get that today so I can test out the HDMI out on the phone because I know I have read some people having issues with this as well. I have already downloaded a bunch of apps on the phone and the whole media storage vs. SD card storage is kind of weird but I didn't even mess around with that and have had no issues with apps disappearing. Overall the point of me posting this thread is just to let people know who might be interested in getting a Bionic that not ALL the phones have issues with them and I am very happy with my purchase. And also i just want to know if there's anyone else out there who loves their Bionic as much as I do?