After 2.2 upgrade, can't go back to 2.1 and radio 1.x


Sep 1, 2010
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Similar to another post I have, but this is specific to the radio. Wanted to change the title to perhaps attract the right "eyes"

So here's the sequence of events:
1. Existing 2.1, rooted, stock ROM.
2. Get "official" release v3.21.605.1 (from [ROM] Incredible Sense/Froyo v3.21.605.1 *Official Release* (100% stock, rooted) - xda-developers
3. Upgrade, internal speaker not working
4. Attempt to revert to 2.1 and 1.x radio - no go.

2.1 loads, but can't get it to re-load 1.x radio.

I do have S-OFF from unrevoked forever.

Has anybody run into this? Everything else works fine, but I am stuck on radio 2.x (see my sig). No method that I can find on the 'net has been successful in allowing a with the old radio to downgrade the radio.
Sounds like you ran into similar issues as me. See my post in this forum from a few minutes ago.
OK, I see you used a rooted version, which I did not. But perhaps my procedure might still be useful to you. It's the culmination of about 7 hours worth of research last night to ressucitate my Incredible.