ADW or Launcher Pro or Helix or aHome?

Different horses for different courses. The LP calendar widget has several advantages for me over the others I've tried, also the people and bookmarks ones.

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I noticed that and checked it out but cannot locate any icons or wallpapers. BTW - I did also unlock the Plus version - but I can see no difference in Widgets or anything.

Perhaps I am missing something.
I was using helix til 2.2 came along. Then I tried LP and ADW. I liked ADW much better and now after some updates by the dev and the latest patch update I am sticking with ADW. It is smooth and really fast.
I was using helix til 2.2 came along. Then I tried LP and ADW. I liked ADW much better and now after some updates by the dev and the latest patch update I am sticking with ADW. It is smooth and really fast.
Plus there are so many options for customizing (yes LP is also very customizable). I liked it more than Lp even before i found the hidden dock
I noticed that and checked it out but cannot locate any icons or wallpapers. BTW - I did also unlock the Plus version - but I can see no difference in Widgets or anything.

Perhaps I am missing something.

long press an open section on the homescreen and then choose launcher pro widgets. these are what you get with the plus
Got 'em - just no additional ones with Plus. NB
LauncherPro has exceeded ADW in every single way with the recent inclusion of swipe gesture actions and shortcuts. Trust me, once you learn how to use LP you will never go back. There's a reason it's in the top 10 most downloaded apps every single week, and is one of the 10 most downloaded apps of all time.
I was getting tired of my phone, the stock launcher had a lag that was buggin me. I tried LP and WOW, that makes my phone faster in a sense. The LP is very responsive and the swipe on icons is bad ass!!!
Swipe on icons?

On the scrollable dockbar you can have as many as 15 icons, each of which can launch one thing with a press and another with a swipe ; totally configurable.

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Clear Home doesn't work on froyo with the latest ADW. Within ADW, the" clear defaults" option is grayed out and not clickable. Maybe I am doing something wrong.
I discovered the 15 icons. Pretty slick. I understand the swipe idea now - I think. :)

That gives you 30 'presets' in effect, right?
I discovered the 15 icons. Pretty slick. I understand the swipe idea now - I think. :)

That gives you 30 'presets' in effect, right?

I don't know about 30 'presets,' but if you have either App Organizer or Folder Organizer (or just folders) you can put them there. On mine I have access (on 3 folders) to 32 apps plus 12 apps (counting the Apps Launcher as an app) in the remaining spots for a total of 44 apps.