A very funny story...... Droid did and I did'nt know that it could!


Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
Toledo, Ohio
About 3 weeks ago I was taking a nap after catching up on cnet-tv, left my laptop on because the droid was charging via usb and within about 10 minutes I was awoken by a video that just popped up on my screen. I woke up and I kid you not, the mouse was moving all over the screen and opening up programs left and right. I fought with the mouse to close some of those out and shut the laptop off and thought. "Holy Smokes, I've just had my wireless hacked!!!! I'm embarrassed to say that I was only WEP encrypted and was running without a firewall....

I could'nt remember my settings for my router and I was short on time so I just enabled the firewall thinking that should take care of the intruder. About a week later I had my laptop on again while playing some red dead on the 360 and once again charging my droid via usb. Out of the corner of my eye I see a window close and every minute or so the mouse moves around the screen and I'm thinking "This guy is good", now he has gotten through the firewall. "This means war!"

I was pissed so I reset my router, encrypted to wpa2, disabled the broadcast of ssid and painstakenly constructed a password from hell. This thing has everything but heiroglyphics in it. After doing all this and reconfiguring all of my consoles I'm sitting there feeling good about myself and being a man, plug the droid in and the mouse is flying around the screen and opening programs up like it's nobody's business! Well, by this time, I'm furious! I reach for the Droid which is sitting on the wrist rest of the laptop, lift it up and the mouse stops moving. It was the droid the whole frigging time! I repeatedly set it down, picked it up and everytime it was physically on the laptop the mouse was going crazy.

Has anyone else ever noticed anything like this? The only thing that I can figure is that it has something to do with the frequency and the inner workings of my touch pad on my Sony Vaio. The good news is that I have a very secure wirelss connection now. lol

Just thought that I'd share that with you guys and wonder if anyone else has had this happen..........
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Woah! That is soooo strange. I have heard about people plugging droids into generic chargers and the PHONE opening and closing apps and texting giberish to random numbers, but I never heard of it taking controll of a PC.... wowzers..

But yes, because of that you now have a killer secure password! haha.
Heat/magnets/RF interference/overzealous proximity sensors, all sorts of possible suspects.

On the plus side, you now have Fort Knox for a WiFi setup and a heck of a story to tell people about how powerful your Droid is.

It's already hacked your laptop. ;)
Doesn't the Droid have a magnet in it? You know, the one that turns on the docks? Could that be part of the problem? And on a side note, putting a magnet on your laptop might be a bad idea for the hard drive, too.
My Droid has never taken over my laptop while plugged in. It talks to me late at night sometimes about how pretty fire is. But no Droid possessed laptop issues, yet. :icon_eek:

Today I managed to leave my USB cable at home. But I'm going to try after work. I don't as a rule lay the phone on the laptop when connected. But it will be fun to see what it does.