3G/4G connection issues

I too have been noticing network issues. I have actually had issues with 4G connectivity and service since I bought the phone. For some reason I have missed multiple text messages from different contacts that come through to my device. I never reply because I never got the messages. Have you noticed this at all?

I haven't had any problems with texts from certain contacts, just sketchy service. :/

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Mine has been awesome ... Like I said I was excited to see we had an update. However right after that...bam! Signal in and out. I called and of course they are telling me the story is they're working on the fix or patch and it should be pushed soon. We shall see. I can verify, mine anyway, was just about flawless until I updated. They have a few days and we shall see.....lol

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Mine was acting up before the update came. My signal just randomly cut out one day and then I got a sim cars error message that said I was not connected to 4g services. So i went to Verizon and they said that there was a nation wide outage. I don't know if its because there are still issues with the service in my area (Huntsville, AL) or if its the update, but my Razr just hasn't been as good as it was before. :/

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Getting a good solid 3G connection today in Poland, Ohio We don't have 4G here yet so I am quite satisfied that I am getting 3G solidly. dancedroid

Today I stopped at the Verizon Store and asked when we could expect to have 4G in our area. I was told that we have had it for 2 weeks. I told the person telling me this information that the 4G network was non-existent on my phone since I got it on December 10th. He looked at my phone and walked into the back and then came back and said, "You have 4G on your phone". I asked what did he do to it to get it on the 4G network. He said he didn't do anything, but why did he take it into the back and then tell me I had it all along? I know he changed something on the phone. Hmmmmmm!!
Today I stopped at the Verizon Store and asked when we could expect to have 4G in our area. I was told that we have had it for 2 weeks. I told the person telling me this information that the 4G network was non-existent on my phone since I got it on December 10th. He looked at my phone and walked into the back and then came back and said, "You have 4G on your phone". I asked what did he do to it to get it on the 4G network. He said he didn't do anything, but why did he take it into the back and then tell me I had it all along? I know he changed something on the phone. Hmmmmmm!!

I don't have 4g either here ..I've had solid data today ..at least while I've had it out and used it..but my battery is still 50% worse. Was perfect before the update. But what the guy did if anything was switch your phone to cdma/ lte which normally that's how they are shipped so unless you turned it off idk?

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For some reason I'm not getting 3G anymore, just had 4G and left the coverage zone, my house is outside the zone, and now I can't get back on 3G. Messed with airplane mode, toggling the data and soft and hard rested the phone and nothing works.

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For some reason I'm not getting 3G anymore, just had 4G and left the coverage zone, my house is outside the zone, and now I can't get back on 3G. Messed with airplane mode, toggling the data and soft and hard rested the phone and nothing.

i thunk it mught be a verizon issue. neither my phone or xoom have 3G signal at the mmebt but 4G works fine. but, on the other hand, just like another user pointed out i had zero issues with data drops before the uodate. after the update its a whole different story.
Same in the Dayton/Xenia Ohio area with Bionic

Before the update I used to have a solid 3G connection on my drive home but now, especially after a phone call, my 3G is non-existent unless I turn airplane mode on and off then it's back to normal for a small period of time. I thought it might be the expansion of 4G and a fight between both connections but the problem is the same when I shut off 4G and during traveling. I had the issue on my trip to St Louis and in the city so I can't blame it on upgrades in my area. Definitely the phone and latest update so I hope they fix the issue. I just have a "Airplane Mode" widget on my screen now and turn it on and off when wanting 3g but it's a real PITA.
Don't forget to check your Battery Saver Mode

Before the update I used to have a solid 3G connection on my drive home but now, especially after a phone call, my 3G is non-existent unless I turn airplane mode on and off then it's back to normal for a small period of time. I thought it might be the expansion of 4G and a fight between both connections but the problem is the same when I shut off 4G and during traveling. I had the issue on my trip to St Louis and in the city so I can't blame it on upgrades in my area. Definitely the phone and latest update so I hope they fix the issue. I just have a "Airplane Mode" widget on my screen now and turn it on and off when wanting 3g but it's a real PITA.

I also meant to mention that having your phone set for "Maximum Battery Saver" and not remembering to turn it off after a recharge will cause all network/phone connections to shut down and will make you think there's an issue with your phone. (A friend of mine had this issue yesterday when he returned his phone to Verizon) LOL!
I also meant to mention that having your phone set for "Maximum Battery Saver" and not remembering to turn it off after a recharge will cause all network/phone connections to shut down and will make you think there's an issue with your phone. (A friend of mine had this issue yesterday when he returned his phone to Verizon) LOL!

Well I can say this. I never mess with any data settings other than cdma only and i was having major issues with dropping data. Just started getting better on its own. Maybe the update that made things worse for my device actually needed time to settle. Lol fingers crossed.

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4G is finally up and running here in Huntsville AL!

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