Hello. I can't find this answer anywhere. I have updated my droid razr from. 211 to the .215 per Mattyp thread using a SD card etc... This is the first time I have ever bypassed the natural OTA path. I have 4.1.1 on my ASUS Infinity and really like it. Anyways since I have chosen this route will I receive any notice from Motorola when it becomes available via OTA or will it recognize that I have already updated? I know all my terminology jargon may not be correct here. I have tried to read all the posts in regards to this for an answer to no avail. I am not rooted and usually stick to the manufacturer suggested update. I just wonder if I will receive the notice for the firmware update whenever (if ever?) Motorola pushes it?. I also noticed some of the subtleties like quick tapping Android version for the Jellbeans floating doesn't work on this. Obviously no big deal. Will I receive Motorola update notices? Thank You for any helpful answers.