It is no secret that PokeMon Go is one of the most successful games of all time. Everywhere you go you see kids and adults for that matter with their faces turned downward as they walk aimlessly into the backyards of your neighbors and across busy highways. The game has helped us get more active, and has even encouraged a whole generation of "cheaters". While the game has yet to be rolled out to all countries world wide it has already seen more than 100 million downloads. The game is still not live in India, a country that contains 1/8th of the population.
The game features in app purchases as a means of generating revenue. As you can imagine with all that traffic this game is really racking up the green. In the first month alone PokeMon Go made more than $200Million. Even Flappy Bird couldn't hit those kind of numbers. It seems like the success will only continue as the game is released to more countries and kids become even more addicted to the game. Niantic says that what we have seen so far is only about 10% of the content of the final version of the game so there is plenty to keep audiences interested in the game. This game isn't going away anytime soon.
via Nintendonews