VZW Blames Sammy for the Locked Bootloader then Contradict Themselves

They Lied.Just like when I called concerning the Nexus and the 4.0.4 update,just about every rep tried to convince me that Sammy was the reason for the delay.And here they are once again trying to convince us its Sammy.
Before going back to VZW, why didn't you try out Sprint? I know several folks who are on Sprint, who have not ever experienced any of the issues you experienced with AT&T. They used to have a bad rep for not having good coverage, but perhaps it is time to lay that perception to rest, because I don't hear that at all from current customers (although I suppose it could depend on your area). Granted, Sprint doesn't have the LTE network that Verizon has, which gives VZW some heavy leverage for folks who need that speed, but from everything I have been reading lately, Sprint is working overtime to develop out their new LTE network that will start rolling out soon. From what I understand, they are taking a bit longer to get started because they are planning ahead, and preparing their LTE network in such a way as to make the changeover to LTE Advanced easy and seamless in the future. Just food for thought...

I didnot sign a new contract with vzw just continued the contract I was on before I left. So I still have my unlimited data and in 3 days my contract ends with vzw and I will be month to month.

It is, cause my family has Sprint, and OMG does it suck where I live. I cannot express how bad it is. Everything is bad including calling (gotta go outside to do it, cause you can't make calls inside), as for data, I thought Verizons 3G was slow. Then I tired out my cousins EVO and brothers E4GT, and I will never complain about vzws 3G speed ever again.

My older brother only uses his cell, and trying to talk with him where he lives (different part of MI) is painful.

Though, I THINK Sprint operates on the 1900MHz while verizon does 800 or whatever. So that may be it.

Sprint is starting their whole "network revision" project, so who knows. Maybe in a year or two it'll get better.

Doesn't any of these services have trial periods any more? I thought you could try it, and if it doesn't work you only had to pay like equipment or something.

Actaully I am eyeing sprint which is why I will remain month to month for awhile.
Im eyeing AT&T.

I recommend you dont port your number and try att while you still have vzw active. I I would have done that things would have been smoother. Att does a better job handing off but then again it was a sgs3 i had. The issue is att has a rep for drop calls and losing data signal and I had that today whichwas why I came crawling back to vzw.
Let me add that they was having this problem when it was just a few phones on the network. My concern is it would get worse when the iphone 5 gets released. The question will be can att handle the load on their lte network?
Verizon can be a PITA some times but they do have the best service.

Now while I may switch to Sprint if and when they get a decent LTE network, probably 6 years down the road.

I still don't like how they handled the Wi-Max situation. They started to develop "The first 4g network but never continued to expand it even after many claims that they were good going to do so.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Verizon can be a PITA some times but they do have the best service.

Now while I may switch to Sprint if and when they get a decent LTE network, probably 6 years down the road.

I still don't like how they handled the Wi-Max situation. They started to develop "The first 4g network but never continued to expand it even after many claims that they were good going to do so.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Where I live, Sprint offered Wi-Max, but the service area is very small and the service is very slow. A friend had a Wi-Max air card, and he was lucky if he reached 300 kbps. Normally, it reached about 150 kbps.
Quicksilver7714 said:
Verizon can be a PITA some times but they do have the best service.

Now while I may switch to Sprint if and when they get a decent LTE network, probably 6 years down the road.

I still don't like how they handled the Wi-Max situation. They started to develop "The first 4g network but never continued to expand it even after many claims that they were good going to do so.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Sprint is garbage, everyone that I know that has it, hates it.

Sent from my HTC Rezound with ICS using Droid Forums
Unfortunately, it seems as though the Bionic will be my last Verizon smartphone and my last Motorola, at least until Verizon gets it's ass in line. I would rather drop 1,000 calls and traverse 1,000,000 dead zones than sign another Verizon contract right now.
Let me add that they was having this problem when it was just a few phones on the network. My concern is it would get worse when the iphone 5 gets released. The question will be can att handle the load on their lte network?
Thxz,I'll take all that in consideration.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
People need to understand there is a reason why Verizon is doing what they are doing, they have the best network with the largest coverage of anyone in the USA, that includes 3/4G and Cellular coverage, all the others are so far behind, its a joke, hell Sprint won't roll out LTE till the end of the summer, and only to a few markets, AT&T has started rolling out LTE but is so far behind its laughable. All I know is wherever I go I always can use my phone "can you hear me now:). By the time AT&T or Sprint cover half the market, Verizon will have the whole country covered, and its not just their LTE network that smokes, but I also have Fios TV, which puts Cable to shame, won't even mention satellite "joke". The sayings goes, you get what you pay for, and it is true with pretty much anything today. And if its to good to be true, you know what that means,stay away.

Sent from my HTC Rezound with ICS using Droid Forums
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People need to understand there is a reason why Verizon is doing what they are doing, they have the best network with the largest coverage of anyone in the USA, that includes 3/4G and Cellular coverage, all the others are so far behind, its a joke, hell Sprint won't roll out LTE till the end of the summer, and only to a few markets, AT&T has started rolling out LTE but is so far behind its laughable. All I know is wherever I go I always can use my phone "can you hear me now:). By the time AT&T or Sprint cover half the market, Verizon will have the whole country covered, and its not just their LTE network that smokes, but I also have Fios TV, which puts Cable to shame, won't even mention satellite "joke". The sayings goes, you get what you pay for, and it is true with pretty much anything today. And if its to good to be true, you know what that means,stay away.

Sent from my HTC Rezound with ICS using Droid Forums

Actually let me correct you. At&t lte speeds are on par with vzws and since they have their hspa+ backing it their are no issues with handoffs. The problem that has plagued att is the fact that people will lose data out of nowhere with out no explanation. It was like that on their 3g coverage and people with iphones were willing to dump the iphone to go to network that worked 100% of the time. With vzw you know when your data is gonna drop off. If you go to a certain area that drops to 3g because they have no lte then everyday yo u go their that will happen. Vzw network is consistent. I went to att thinking eh if something drops off it may be once in a blue moon. That was until I was on an important call that I had to wait 15mins on hold just to place. That was when it finally made clear to me that one drop is too many. If its a drop call while you ordering a pizza ok, but if its a drop call while you are handling an important call for work, or a family member is calling during an emergency. That is why many of us when it comes down to it are willing to take it from vzw because we trust their network. Infact so much that when lte were having outages people gave it to vzw because they expect the best.
This is not a knock on att because they do some things much better than vzw. They handle android better. Att treat their customers like they should and they way vzw use to. If ATT had a more consistent network vzw would have to make policy changes because att has the better phones.

:crying:ATT please reconsider merging with tmobile.
Go samsung!

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