using bluetooth during airplane mode


Mar 21, 2010
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I need something that will allow me to do this with the droid. Please help.:mad:
Well that just isnt possible unless you are rooted and running the latest version of cyanogenMOD which has this feature.
Pretty sure this violates federal regs.
you can use wifi...... Airplanes have it installed. you can use bluetooth.
And to add onto that who is to say I am using it on the airplane and not at night when I don't want to be bothered.

No one's telling you how you're going to use it, but asking how to use Airplane mode implies use on an Airplane. Airlines have their own WiFi setups that are shielded properly, and if you'll read the above threads, you'll find that it's up to the airline how they want to allow or disallow the use of radio-type devices within the cabin. Most airlines (and every flight attendant I've ever met) are pretty adept at spotting and stopping wireless devices in the cabin.
k.. Well I am an airline pilot for a major airline and I have never been told to not use my bluetooth. Thanks for the insight though.
still haven't told me if there is a way to use it in airplane mode, or just leave the phone on. That is breaking the law and I do care.

I'm almost 99% certain I saw an app that allows the use of bluetooth during airplane mode. Check the market.