Update Notification won't go away..


New Member
Dec 1, 2009
Reaction score
I've had a notification on my phone for two days now.

It's under the 'Ongoing' heading and only says, "Loading Data, please wait.."

It's really starting to annoy me, and absolutely nothing I do will get rid of this. Can anyone help?
I had the same problem with the Visual Voice Mail notification and no voice mails.
If you reset the phone does it come up as soon as the phone starts up?

Do you have Weatherbug or The Weather Channel installed?
I had weather bug installed. I have since deleted it and in stalled weather channel. It has helped a lot but has not eliminated the problem. I just got off the phone with VZW tech support and I went ahead and uninstalled the updates on Visual Voice Mail and installed Fusion Voice Mail from the Market. SO FAR SO GOOD
I had the same icon and it kept driving me crazy. Just removed weather bug and bingo it went away. Thanks alot for the info!!!