Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (non spoiler) review


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
In the early 90s the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were the popular cartoon of the day based off Eastman and Laird's comic of the same name. The popular tv show spawned the movie that was meant to more closely related to the comic book vs the popular cartoon and as a result we got a movie full of violence and mild language that drew criticism from parents. The studio would release 2 more movies that were less violent and cleaner on the language.
Now we have a new age of Ninja turtles produced by Michael Bay (who drew criticism from fans for his alien comment) and geared more toward the younger audience. So if you wanting to take the wife and kids out to a movie and you want a decent clean movie that kids will love this is it. The backstory may not be the one you remember from your childhood but it does the job of putting the 4 heroes on screen kicking butt and garnering the cheers of the kids in the audience.
Personally I found the movie ok, it does not get the reaction from me that a Guardians of the Galaxy but the movie was not horrific. For a movie that saw crazy lines I was expecting something better but when I saw the Spongebob movie preview and the Nickelodeon title before the movie and I was quickly reminded the main audience for who this movie was geared. So if you do not have kids I would not rush to the theater as I give it a rating of matinee to low full price, if you have kids go ahead and brave the line and allow your kids to enjoy themselves. This Nickelodeon based ninja turtle movie is good clean fun that bridge some aspects of the turtles from your childhood to the turtles of this generation. If you going in there looking for a revamped ninja turtles that are dark and gritty then be prepared to be disappointed.


Super Moderator
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Premium Member
Do you go the the movies like every week? If so im jealous. I have a one year old and no baby sitter so I have not been able to go to the theater in like a year.


Silver Member
If, in some parallel dimension...I actually went and saw this movie, I would be too ashamed to admit it. Even on the Internet.


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
Do you go the the movies like every week? If so im jealous. I have a one year old and no baby sitter so I have not been able to go to the theater in like a year.

If, in some parallel dimension...I actually went and saw this movie, I would be too ashamed to admit it. Even on the Internet.

I try and view the top movies (especially during the peak spring to sumer season) and write reviews on them.