rom manager issues


When I try to download a rom from rom manager is says i need to update my rom manager and FCs. I cant get any gapps. and wanted to check out the nightlies.

Any suggestions?


Ok, you can either sbf back and copy the abk.

Or you can Google for the abk. And Aeschylus this forum some more. This question has been answered a few times. I wish I could give you a link but I'm busy ATM.

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Go into googles marketplace and download the rom manager update.

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I dont have Market on my phone. it didnt come with it. Do you mean on the browser?

The android marketplace application didn't come on your android phone? That seems rather unlikely

It didnt come with the CM7 rom. I tried to download the marketplace apk and install but it didnt work. I was trying to not SBF back but i might have to. Ill try searching some more.

Thanks for those who answered! If you have any other ideas please let me know.


I dont have Market on my phone. it didnt come with it. Do you mean on the browser?

The android marketplace application didn't come on your android phone? That seems rather unlikely

It didnt come with the CM7 rom. I tried to download the marketplace apk and install but it didnt work. I was trying to not SBF back but i might have to. Ill try searching some more.

Thanks for those who answered! If you have any other ideas please let me know.

Search for the ROM Manager abk instead. It might be easier to find. Gosh where is that link.

Just a minute..

Edit: flash this man. This is gapps.

Cm7 and the android market

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