[Quick Review] Sandisk Micro SDHC Class 6 Card


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Premium Member
Sep 21, 2010
Reaction score

Cell phones have advanced so quickly in such a short period of time, but sadly the amount of memory they offer has not seen that much improvement... until now. Sandisk introduced their new 32 GB class 6 Micro SDHC just a few months ago, and wow have they out done themselves. The problem when you get to SD cards this large is the lack of speed, but shockingly, Sandisk managed to offer you the best of both worlds with this card.

Let's take a very quick look at Sandisk's class 6 Micro SD card, and see if its worth the expensive price tag.


This card is still new to the market, so if you want to buy it you will be paying premium price for it. The card on Sandisk's site is priced at $100+, so you must really need more space if you're considering it. Speed wise, it is a significant improvement over the current competitors in the market, which means you can watch movies and move files to and from your device at a much faster rate.

There is not much I can say about this card, except I had a hard time filling it up with whatever I had. After 4 720p movies, 20 albums, and some pictures, I still had enough room for play, and that's amazing. The space this card offers is very nice for those looking for more memory on their Droid or Nexus Galaxy device.

Here's the breakdown:


  • Nice accessories
  • Fast speed
  • Lots of room
  • Expensive
  • Not widely available
  • Some random bugs

8/10: Speed
10/10: Space
8/10: Pricing
8/10: Overall Rating

Would I buy it?

No. For myself, I don't see a reason why I would need so much memory. So far, even after working hard at filling it up, I only have about 16 GB of data on this card. There are instances when people might need more memory than 16 GB, so for anyone in that situation this is an excellent device.

Recommend it?
Yes; if you are in the market for a memory card that will last you long and store all your data for the next few generations, then this memory stick is for you.
Thanks for the review, but I think it's focusing too much on the size of the card rather than the speed (which is the new[er] thing). With the class 6 SD cards, 32gb is nothing new. That's widely available for class 2 and class 4 MicroSD cards. Should focus more on speed, which is what Class 6 MicroSD cards are bringing.
Thanks for the review, but I think it's focusing too much on the size of the card rather than the speed (which is the new[er] thing). With the class 6 SD cards, 32gb is nothing new. That's widely available for class 2 and class 4 MicroSD cards. Should focus more on speed, which is what Class 6 MicroSD cards are bringing.
The problem with that is there is no true way to say how fast it is. I can't say like it's this fast vs class 4 that's this fast. I've used both and this is noticeable faster, and allows me to transfer things to it faster... That's really all I can say.
But I hope you get my gist from the review.
I'd say only 1 problem with this review, Nexus phones so far have had no SD card slot (Minus the first), so buying this card for your Galaxy Nexus might not be too good of an idea.
Damn...and I just bought a class 4, 32gig card for my D2G for $37 on Amazon......

Put 27 gig of music on it the first day....:biggrin:
Damn...and I just bought a class 4, 32gig card for my D2G for $37 on Amazon......

Put 27 gig of music on it the first day....:biggrin:

I have over 200 songs available to play on my Thunderbolt but none are taking up space on my sdcard.

Google Music is awesome...
I'd say only 1 problem with this review, Nexus phones so far have had no SD card slot (Minus the first), so buying this card for your Galaxy Nexus might not be too good of an idea.

And what does that have to do with a review of an SD card? Not sandisks issue that the nexus doesn't have a slot. Don't worry apple will pattend the no sd card and they will have to put one in

And what does that have to do with a review of an SD card? Not sandisks issue that the nexus doesn't have a slot. Don't worry apple will pattend the no sd card and they will have to put one in


I have to agree that you spent too much of your review focusing on the size of the card.

My thunderbolt came with a 32GB class 4 card.

All of my apps that I can move to the SD Card I move there in addition to music, pictures, and movies.

I think a more appropriate test for review of this card would have been to take a class 2/4 card and this class 6 card and put them into two identical devices.

Load both with the same apps, music, movies, etc.

See which one boots and loads all of the apps/icons faster. Note the time differences.

Also, see how long it takes (via USB connection) to transfer about 5 gigs worth of movies and/or pictures from your PC to the Card.

Give us those results.

We are all aware that 32GB is "a lot of space"
And...it really does depend on what you are intending to use the phone/card for......

If you're just going to use the card to store documents, pictures, music.....a class 2 or 4 (at a cheaper price) should be fine. If you're going to use it to store and then be the source to display video.....you probably want a faster card. My concern when buying cards is the number of bogus/bootleg cards out there that aren't what they say they are.....be very careful, get your cards from a reputable dealer.

I had been moving apps to my card but when I saw how much free space I had on my phone itself.....moved them back. I've got "tons" of apps on my phone and have only used about 3gig of the 8 gig available.
Good review IMO. But with services like Pandora, Google Music and apps like AudioGalaxy, storing your music on your phone is, for most, a thing of the past. I know limited data plans kill that for some, but many of us still have unlimited plans.

As for the speed issue, I'm not sure if its really an issue on phones. I know for camera's being able to write faster to the chip is a must especially for burst shots and consecutive shooting but it is also up to the camera, and phone, to be able to take full advantage of the speed of the SD cards.

When my wife got her Thunderbolt, I swiped the 32gb microSD from it and gave her my 16gb card. I'm more than happy with it too. Its a class 4 chip.

As for the video saying you get better performing games with a faster SD card...really, really? The phones RAM is where the game is stored when its running. If you move the game to your SD card instead of built in memory, it may initially load faster, but should have no performance gain once its running from a faster SD card.
And what does that have to do with a review of an SD card? Not sandisks issue that the nexus doesn't have a slot. Don't worry apple will pattend the no sd card and they will have to put one in

They said it would be a good buy for the Nexus Galaxy (got the name wrong too) If you actually read the review you might have seen it =P
HAHAHA apple probably will...
The cloud storage is all well and good if you use your phone connected to wifi or LTE. For people on an airplane, or even just a weak 3G area, the storage is still necessary.
The cloud storage is all well and good if you use your phone connected to wifi or LTE. For people on an airplane, or even just a weak 3G area, the storage is still necessary.
+1 Tired of people telling me I don't need a SD card because of cloud storage, I don't always have signal so should I not be allowed to listen to my music? And I don't like to wait to listen to songs while it loads on the slowish 3G network.