Pixelated Youtube on all Droids?


New Member
Alright, one other question about the Droids in general.

I went to Verizon yesterday to play with some of them, specifically the Incredible, but was looking at different models.

I was very, very surprised, but the quality of the youtube videos were no where near the same quality of that of the Palm Pre Plus.

I tried out a few different Droids, and even had one of the sales reps let me use her personal phone.

Why is this? Even the latest Droid Incredible was like this.

Is this something that can eventually be fixed in an automatic software update??


New Member
lol. warrior, thanks. I guess I should have looked for something like that. Guess I'm going back to the store! :)


Here's a question... did you check the settings on the phone when watching the videos?

When I read your post I grabbed my phone and went to my YouTube stream to look at some of my stuff. Man, you were right - the quality sucks.

So I went and checked the settings, and found I didn't have it in "High Quality" mode. As soon as I enabled that, the videos looked just like if I were watching them on my computer monitor.

So when in the YouTube app, you need to go Menu >> More >> Watch in High Quality.

You'll be amazed. :)