Need some help. lol


New Member
Jan 29, 2010
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Ok, I just got my Droid today. I know some of these issues can be resolved by me looking at the owners manual, but I'm visually impaired and can't read it. For one...How do I end a call? lol I called my voicemail, but couldn't figure out how to get out of it. I tried all the keys at the bottom, but those didn't work, and I didn't see an option on the screen.

How do I add more contacts? I transferred all my numbers from my other phone, but I don't see an option in contacts to add any one else.

Also, for some reason, after I messed around with my phone, I can no longer just tilt my phone to the side and the screen switch with it. I have to bring out the keyboard for that to happen. How do I fix that?

And one more thing...where do apps I download go? I downloaded handcent, but I can't find it anywhere on my phone. It installed and everything, but I don't know how to get to it to set it up. I don't see it on my screen anywhere.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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When you are done with a call and pull the phone away from your ear, the screen will wake up and there will be a red button that says End.
Open your contacts. Hit the menu button (in between the back and home buttons at the bottom) and one of the pop up choices will be New Contact.
Mine has never switched to landscape when on the homescreen without the keyboard open. I believe there is a setting under Sound and Display settings that allows the screen to automatically adjust between landscape and back.
And when an app is done downloading, it will show up in your notification bar. Pull it down and click it, which should install the app. Then, to add it to your homescreen, longpress on the screen, then select Shortcuts, then Applications and find it in the list; and it will be added to the homescreen.
Also, once you get handcent going, make sure to go into your settings for the original messenging app and turn the notifications off so you aren't getting 2 notifications for every text.

And, dang Hook, beat me to my post with a much more efficient response.... lol
Thanks a lot guys! You all really helped me out a lot. Sorry for buggin ya'll. I really appreciate it!
Ok, there's one other thing. When I'm messing around with my phone, it keeps going dim and then getting brighter. It just does it over and over. Is this normal, or a way to fix it?