Moto 360 Faces


Active Member
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
I recently got a Moto 360 via Swappa.. and I have LG G3 with root but not on Lollipop.

I had to install moto Connect for the bluetook connection to stay up with the phone otherwise it would loose it.

My question is about watch faces and apps for those who own the 360 watch

I bought the Navi-Watch fase and installed it. Works fine.. Does any one use it? Battery dies quickly within 3 hours.

I also purchased for Watch Faces for Android Wear.. It says I need to resync apps under android wear for its app to show on the watch. I have done it and still has not shown up so I can't use any of the faces. Any ideas :)

Thank you for your help :)
I use Facer. 3 hours? That isn't good at all. I get 12 to 18 hours or more depending on what I'm doing.
That was because of Navi Face :( emailed the author for help on that