Missing photos


I've noticed lately that some of the photos I've taken with my Droid aren't showing up in my gallery.

Sometimes if I reboot the phone, I'll get some of them to show up, but I know a couple that I took have never shown up in the gallery. I know it took the photo because I heard the "snap" audio.

Is the camera app just not reliable, or is something else going on?
Are you using the stock camera app or a third-party app?

As a photographer, the issue of the Gallery not updating quickly is a major headache for me. Sometimes rebooting, as you did, forces the system to re-scan.

I recommend using a file expolorer, like Astro, to inspect your SD card for the missing images. The stock camera stores pictures in the "sdcard/DCIMCamera" directory. In Astro's preferences ("look and feel"), you can enable thumbnails.


Yup, stock camera app.

Cool, I'll browse through Astro in a bit, see if they're there.

Are there any good 3rd party camera apps out there that you'd recommend? I'm not thrilled with the stock one, by any means.