I DON'T play video messages



New Member
I was sitting in the same boat, and had to make a quick decision. I spoke with Motorolla and Verizon and both don't know of any update as of today. With only a couple days left of my trail period I chose to just get a new phone. This update is speculation (by a leaked source????) and say it does....will it include a patch for the text messaging problem, that only a select few are having....doubtful. Make sure when you call them you let them know it is a DOA and you won't get charged the restocking fee.
I was sitting in the same boat, and had to make a quick decision. I spoke with Motorolla and Verizon and both don't know of any update as of today. With only a couple days left of my trail period I chose to just get a new phone. This update is speculation (by a leaked source????) and say it does....will it include a patch for the text messaging problem, that only a select few are having....doubtful. Make sure when you call them you let them know it is a DOA and you won't get charged the restocking fee.

Hey thanks! I just made up my mind I'll be exchanging it one day before my 30 runs out. By the way, how is your new phone compared to your first one?


New Member
OK what am I doing wrong. I got the new phone and it still will not play video text messages. For all tech people out there is there a setting I'm missing? Ohh well I had to error on the side of caution and just in case it was the phone.


New Member
Android does not support animated gifs, it will play a video file but does not play nice with animated gifs, this isnt specific to the droid this is something that has always supposed to have been fixed with android but hasnt been from what i read about prior versions


New Member
this is something that should have worked out of the box, phones have been playing nice with gifs and animated gifs for years, but to answer your question i have no idea, it was supposed to have been fixed from the beginning of android.


New Member
This is so ridiculous my old Motorola razor had no problems playing animations or videos. So much for this to be a smart phone. I really hope that Motorola and Google monitor these forums and is able to satisfy hear the voices of their unhappy customers.


New Member
i am sure it is something that they are working on , especially since the droid has brought android alot more attention. remember the iphone just a year ago couldnt even do mms or copy and paste. lets just hope google is faster then the asshats at apple


I have to click on the picture then the screen goes black while its playing. I had to hit menu on the black screen and save to sd card asnd view it in the gallery, then it worked