

New Member
Mar 11, 2011
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my happy lil home :)
hi :) i don't yet have a droid... i'm having a hard time deciding which one i might be happy with. i text a LOT & like to game on my phone &... well pretty much use it as much like a mini-puter as i can while still keeping it's... umm... "phone"-ness (is that a real word?)
i currently have a moto rival a455 & aside from the random rebooting, teeny screen, & lack of volume control when watching some snippet or other on youtube - it's been ok... i've had moments when i miss my Razr though (had lg chocolat between them & not all that impressed with lg)...
i'm not a brand-snob or anything... i like qwerty though & want to be able to do more with my phone... any suggestions? & why do you suggest that? >(^.^)<
To be honest with you, if you like to text a lot and don't mind full touch screen, I LOVE texting on my Droid X! And the screen is large so it makes gaming perfect! My boyfriend had the SNES-oid app on his, and he could play all of the old school games perfect on the screen with no issue!

If you prefer something more along the lines of a physical keyboard, the Droid 2 was pretty excellent as well! I only chose to give it up because I needed a bigger screen!

Regardless of your decision, hope whatever you choose makes you happy in the long run! And welcome to the forums! :)
welcome to the forum! if need a bigger screen with just touch than X is def the way to go. I have the Global and I have both of best worlds, keyboard and touch.
good luck on ur huntings...

Swype with an Aloha from Hawaii
Welcome to the forums !!!!

Have to agree, had my X for just over a week, came from the original Droid, very pleased with my decision. The X is fast, thin, and texting is slick with swype, that's pre-installed.
