Gingerbread Kernel


Sep 10, 2010
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I'm trying to get onto the gingerbread kernel now so I can update to the GB CM7. How do I go about doing that? I tried searching for a bit, but didn't find anything. I have the premium rom manager. Thank you.
I'm trying to get onto the gingerbread kernel now so I can update to the GB CM7. How do I go about doing that? I tried searching for a bit, but didn't find anything. I have the premium rom manager. Thank you.
are you on 2.2 or 2.3 os
I'm on CM7, the froyo based one I believe. I have two rooted gb zip files. Are those the ones I need to flash to get on the GB kernel?
I'm on CM7, the froyo based one I believe. I have two rooted gb zip files. Are those the ones I need to flash to get on the GB kernel?
well you have to get to gingerbread first which is 2.3.3 os, there are a few ways to do this, but you might be uncomfortable doing it the way i think to be the easiest which is SBF'ing full 4.5.602
Right. The rooted GB files should give me gingerbread and put me on the kernel correct? Isn't that how everyone initially went from froyo to GB and stayed rooted?
well really I can not say i think people got it many different ways via an ota update to gb or the TBH rooted leak or the factory leak, mine i bought used and came already ota updated but i am not sure if just flashing what i think you are flashing is gonna give you what you want, i actually think it might just give you a bricked phone

you might want to check other threads in this forum as i am sure the answers are here
I'm pretty sure what I have is the TBH rooted leak.
well if you are just super in a hurry to try and at your own risk go for it

i cant give you any "good" advice not knowing exactly what you are starting with but if you brick there are many ways to un brick
If I were to SBF to gingerbread then how would I root once I have it?
using petes one click root method its very simple

unzip file run "motorola one click"

make sure phone is in charge only

and before you root if you sbf check for update first then install then use that root method and you can get cm7 roms from romtoolbox from the revs nightlies which is what i run