Empty home page...suggestions on filling it up?


Mar 7, 2010
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I have a completely empty homepage on my Droid. My main screen has Beautiful Smaller Home widget, some of my most used apps' icons, and the rest of my apps organized with Apps Organizers. My right screen has the Google Search widget, 4 instant call icons for my most-called contacts, and the stock Power Bar widget. So technically, even my 2nd screen isn't full. I'm looking for suggestions on widgets, etc to fill up my 3rd (empty!) screen. Any ideas, or should I just stop trying to be so conservative with my space and just use more icons? Thanks in advance!
I hardly ever go in the app tray...

Put more icons on your screen, it will save you a couple of seconds of your life each time you run the app and maybe a minute over your lifetime.
You could add a calendar/agenda widget, either stock or download one of the many available in the market place.