Email Sync


New Member
Hi guys new to the Droid line coming from blackberry. On my old phone I was able to sync the email accounts together so that when I deleted my email on the phone it also deleted it from my email account. This made it so that I didn’t have to go back and delete it twice. Great function on the this available on my Droid X or have I just missed how to set it up correctly?



New Member
I came from Blackberry as well and they had this part down. E-mail sync with Droid and POP3....No unfortunately not. They only way I see to have a pop3 E-mail account clean itself up is the following.

I forward all my Comcast e-mail to G-mail and select to remove from server.

Gmail syncs effortlessly with the Droid.

End result....All my e-mails being sent from G-Mail look like they are going through Comcast. Comcast account is now just used as a hop to G-mail.

Works great.


New Member
I am seeing this issue as well. But I am having another one. I set up my work e-mail and I can see/open all e-mails but I can't reply! Any solutions?