E-mail question -


New Member
Dec 27, 2010
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Hi there,
I just got my Droid global for Christmas. So, when I read an e-mail on my phone, I can't find that e-mail when I read my e-mail online.
Is it still in my inbox?
You are likely setup to receive email using the POP (Post-Office Protocol) ... what it does is COPIES the email onto your phone and stores it locally on the device. Once it copies the file onto your phone, its default action is to delete it from the server (dumb...I know). I don't have a D2G but I had a D2 for awhile before I switched back to my Droid 1, and there might be a "leave a copy on the server" option that would take care of this problem as *one* solution.

The *better* solution, imo, would be to setup your email using the IMAP protocol. It's faster, easier, safer (most IMAP servers support TLS/SSL authentication) and is less risky (in terms of data loss risk). Instead of downloading the entire email onto your phone, it VIEWS the messages that reside on the server instead, which means that if an email is 75KB in total, POP would need to download 75KB while IMAP would need to only transfer 5KB of info (this is just a broad example, not real numbers), and would only transfer the parts of the message you need at-hand (such as headers first, then email content once you actually click it).

Just find the port numbers, server names and authentication settings for IMAP and change your settings.

I use my Droid for business and email is extremely important and time-sensitive, so I use IMAP and I urge my work colleagues to do the same. Not even one has gone back to POP. Check out this explanation of the differences between POP and IMAP:

Getting Gmail anywhere: IMAP versus POP - Official Gmail Blog
Always, always include your email account type and app for any email-related question. There are so many options out there that it's impossible to assist without that info.

You are likely setup to receive email using the POP
That's a reasonable guess given some clues in the OP but I'd wait for the OP to confirm before running with it.

The *better* solution, imo, would be to setup your email using the IMAP protocol.
If that's an option for the OP's email account.
You are likely setup to receive email using the POP (Post-Office Protocol) ... what it does is COPIES the email onto your phone and stores it locally on the device. Once it copies the file onto your phone, its default action is to delete it from the server (dumb...I know).

Mine is set to POP but it does not delete any emails from my email server not until I delete it on my email client which will also request to delete the email on my email server. One of the good reason why I use POP and not IMAP. With IMAP, I need to manually delete the emails that I have read from my email client software but with POP I could easily delete it when I only requested to be deleted.
Well Mom, here's what I've been doing for about 7-8 months now (?) and it works great and will solve your issue:

I don't know what email app you use, but try this. It saves battery power and in some cases emails arrive quicker. This scheme will have you using only the Gmail app on the phone for all email accounts whether they are pop3 accounts or Gmail. Go to the Google Gmail inbox on your computer and log into the Gmail account. On the top right of the screen is an option called Settings. In there is an option to have the Gmail program poll your regular, non-Gmail accounts. Provide the email address and the password. The Google Gmail program will then poll your other accounts on a frequency from 1-5 minutes and push the email immediately to your phone. The polling frequency is determined by each account's activity - more emails = faster polling. It will always be no less frequent than every five minutes. This saves battery power because on the android OS pop3 accounts are polled at a frequency of 1-30 minutes and that really eats battery. Because the phone goes and checks those accounts for mail whether there is mail there or not.