Camera is not so great


Active Member
Sep 4, 2010
Reaction score
I spent the last 2 days with my wife's S4 and I have concluded this camera is a pain in the ass.
My note is much better.
The S4 never takes consistent clear pictures. Indoor pictures are worse than outdoor.
All pictures have a blur to them.
A camera that can take pictures at the drop of a hat is a good camera. Making constant changes with modes and settings is bull.
My wife and I have only owend HTC photos before these sammys and we never had so many pretty problems taking normal photos
I'm going to go out on a limb here since the camera on mine is so great and ask if you took the nearly invisible plastic cover off the lens. It really is hard to tell there even is a protective cover on it.
Sure have. It takes amazing pictures when it actually works.
When I take 10 pictures and maybe 2or3 are good, I consider it it a bad camera
I love the gs4 camera. And I have a note and note 2 and gotra say gs4 is better whem you know how to utilize all it can do.

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
I love the gs4 camera. And I have a note and note 2 and gotra say gs4 is better whem you know how to utilize all it can do.

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Agreed when conditions are right the s4 takes better picture.
Point and shoot comparisons the s4 falls short.
We use our phone cameras 95% of the time for taking pictures of our kids. Indoor pictures never focus fast enough and the grainyness drives me nuts.

Utilizing the settings and constantly messing with them is not ideal nor practical.
I spent the last 2 days with my wife's S4 and I have concluded this camera is a pain in the ass.
My note is much better.
The S4 never takes consistent clear pictures. Indoor pictures are worse than outdoor.
All pictures have a blur to them.
A camera that can take pictures at the drop of a hat is a good camera. Making constant changes with modes and settings is bull.
My wife and I have only owend HTC photos before these sammys and we never had so many pretty problems taking normal photos

While I'm not going to agree that this S4 camera is a bad camera...... I will certainly admit that my previous HTC phones had cameras with quality that no other phones compared to when I owned them.
My s4 takes horrible indoor pictures no matter what setting it is on or whether or not the flash is on or off, they are all horrible haven't had a good indoor picture yet with it. The outdoor pictures are great though. It is very frustrating.
I spent the last 2 days with my wife's S4 and I have concluded this camera is a pain in the ass.
My note is much better.
The S4 never takes consistent clear pictures. Indoor pictures are worse than outdoor.
All pictures have a blur to them.
A camera that can take pictures at the drop of a hat is a good camera. Making constant changes with modes and settings is bull.
My wife and I have only owend HTC photos before these sammys and we never had so many pretty problems taking normal photos
Do you have the zoom still set to zoom?
I spent the last 2 days with my wife's S4 and I have concluded this camera is a pain in the ass.
My note is much better.
The S4 never takes consistent clear pictures. Indoor pictures are worse than outdoor.
All pictures have a blur to them.
A camera that can take pictures at the drop of a hat is a good camera. Making constant changes with modes and settings is bull.
My wife and I have only owend HTC photos before these sammys and we never had so many pretty problems taking normal photos

As you can see from the "Post pictures taken with the Galaxy S4" thread, people are able to take very clear pictures with the S4. So let's see if we can figure out what is going wrong in your case.

If you have the focus set to auto, you do need to wait a second or two for the camera to complete the auto-focus process. Do you wait for the focus square to turn green before you take the picture? If not, that could be the reason for the lack of sharpness in your pictures.
Do you have the zoom still set to zoom?

not sure I understand what you are asking.

As you can see from the "Post pictures taken with the Galaxy S4" thread, people are able to take very clear pictures with the S4. So let's see if we can figure out what is going wrong in your case.

If you have the focus set to auto, you do need to wait a second or two for the camera to complete the auto-focus process. Do you wait for the focus square to turn green before you take the picture? If not, that could be the reason for the lack of sharpness in your pictures.

Yes definitely wait for the auto focus. This is probably the worst part of the camera. Auto focus takes a long time and it stays green for maybe a second or two.
I do agree about the auto focus, but I'm not seeing the other problems some are reporting here. The only chances I made to the settings was to reduce the resolution and turned on anti shake. Last night I took a photo in a completely darkened area of my basement. I used the following

LG Optimus G Pro
ASUS Transformer TF700
Sony 1080P HD digital camera

The one things is, (and it wasn't the only one), I couldn't see what I was taking a picture of. The quality was at least as good if not better than any of the others from the S4.

View attachment 64353
I was excited about the camera because all of my previous Android phones had atrocious cameras regardless of best lighting and every single item to get the best picture was on. And then I started taking pictures with my sgs4 and I want very pleased either. I play the middle ground when it comes to Android versus ios. They both have there perks when rooted or jailbroken. And the hardware is what it is But the one clear and concise difference for me is the camera. IPhone by far beats all of them by far.

Not looking for an argument just my opinion.

Galaxy S4
The online reviews have concluded that the S4 camera is equivalent to that in the iPhone 5.