Brand New to Droid


New Member
Feb 17, 2010
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Hi.....I am brand new to this! I joined so that I can learn all my new phone has to offer!!!! I teach second grade in a district that is 2nd to none in technology. I use the SmartBoard to teach almost every'm think with a little help and practice....I just may get the hang of this! The only concern I have with my phone right now is keeping the battery charged! :)
:welcome: To the forum. There are a lot of threads about what you can do to conserve battery power. The highest user of the battery is the display so turning down the brightness will help. You may also be interested in getting an app called Screebl that will keep your Droid on and help with battery use when you're using it but don't want the screen to go dark.

Thanks! I can't wait to start quetion I do have is......will I be able to use it while on an airplane???? :)
Welcome to the forum,

It's nice to see more females getting this phone lol I think at first this was considered a "guy" phone....but there have been a lot here lately gettin a Droid! I think it's awesome though

And yeah about the battery, that's my ONE complaint with this phone, is the battery won't stay charged all day for me...some people have bought extra batteries, or bought a battery extension that increases like 12 hours of life.....

But then some people on here report getting like 20-23 hours of battery life!! I don't see how! I wish though :) Enjoy the forum!
Airplane mode

Thanks! I can't wait to start quetion I do have is......will I be able to use it while on an airplane???? :)

Well, there is a airplane mode which disables wifi and cellular communication. So it is soley a local device with no connectivity when operating in airplane mode. Absolutely legal on airplanes in flight but obviously you will still be asked to power off when landing and taking off.

Welcome to the neighborhood, jamoody! This is a great forum with great people. Enjoy your time here!