Best way to sync music

What is the best way to sync iTunes music? I've been using DoubleTwist but it is just not working these days (especially after ICS update). I sync it and sync it and Playlists never appear. So I need something else. I'm mostly concerned about a Smart Playlist I have for podcasts, which would not sync with Google Play. So frustrating dealing with Doubletwist. I have Droid Bionic.


Thanks for the replies to this thread a whileback. So now with the Jellybean update, My Music is gone. Will iSyncR sync music on my phone so that Google Play Music will recognize it on my device (I do not want to stream music)? If not, can you recommend an alternative application that can play music. You'd think that would be simple, since that is originally what the iPod did.


Gold Member
If the music is on your PC and you are, (particularly) in the US, you can subscribe to Google Music and they have an app that will install on your PC and sync ALL the music to the cloud, including the iTunes and anything else. It will all be available on your phone using WiFi or your data plan. Especially good if you are space challenged on the phone memory.