Battery Problem . . .


Sep 4, 2010
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I am using the Extended battery from Verizon in my Rezound. Seems to give my pretty good battery life most of the time. On occasion I will let the phone on all night and when I wake the phone will not wake up. It is like the battery is dead. Have had this happen about 10 times in the last 2 months. I use the on/off button to wake the phone or to start it. Does not respond either way.

Last nite I left the phone on and when I laid it down I had just checked and there was like 95% battery life left. Now about 12 hrs later, with no other use of the phone I go to wake it up and it will not work. Had to take out the extended battery and put the stock battery in to get the phone to turn on.

I have left the phone on over night with the extended battery and have not had this happen every time. Just only occasionally does it happen. Using Easy Battery battery saver and it seems to work well for me. Checked the settings and they are all as I had originally set them.

What do you folks think? Bad battery or bad phone or what? Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions you can give.
MY wife's DROID3 exhibits that behaviour once a month .Have 2do a battery pull . .

VZW ANSWER: Dont use sleep. (!) VZW tech says its a UN-resolved SW issue ..even with a stock battery.
I Hang Up.
thanks for the reply. Looks like I will need to just shut the phone off at nite and plug into the charger. Not really a problem as I don't need it on while I sleep.
Had the problem again last nite. Battery at 91% when I went to bed at 10:30 pm and it was at 7% when I woke up at 5:30 am. Switched to the stock battery and it drained to like 69% in about 1 1/2 hours.

Called VZW and got to tech support who diagnosed the problem as being with the phone. Of course they are going to send me a refurb, what can you expect from VZW on a 2 month old phone.

Then they wanted to charge me shipping to get it two day. I argued a bit but the tech said that it was VZW policy to charge for other than USPS 5 day shipping. I asked to talk with a supervisor as that person no doubt had the authority to waive the shipping. Tech said supervisor was on the phone and would be awhile. So he said he would waive the shipping charges. Does not hurt to go over the tech's head on stuff like that, usually you get what you want.

Now the wait to get a phone that will not eat batteries and then spend a day getting the software and data on the refurb. Will let you know how things work out.
I would hard reset before I took a refurb.
In my experience only apple refurbs are worth it, avoid all other refurbs at all cost lol.

Edit: charge your extended battery to full before you do the reset.
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I would hard reset before I took a refurb.
In my experience only apple refurbs are worth it, avoid all other refurbs at all cost lol.

Edit: charge your extended battery to full before you do the reset.

Will the factory reset cause me to lose the files on my SD card?
I don't believe it will, you could try doing it without the card in, but I honestly don't know if that would impact the process.

I found on another Android Forum that there are two types of resets I can do.

Factory Reset - give me option to erase the SD card but still reset the phone.

Hard Reset - data on SD card is erased automatically as the phone it reset.

I assume that you suggest the Factory Reset rather than the Hard Reset?
Try to start killing your tasks every time before you set the phone down. I have the extended battery also and I love it

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May have the problem solved. Did a factory reset and installed most of my old apps. But not the Easy Battery Saver app. Left the phone on all nite last nite and it did not do the crazy rapid discharge that I had been getting. My replacement phone is to arrive tomorrow and I will test the battery again tonight. If it works fine again tonite I may send the replacement phone back to VZW.

Now to look for a decent battery saver. Thanks all for your advice.