Award winning RPG Zenonia just release for android.

Looks like a great game! Too bad it doesn't work. I downloaded the lite version AND the full version. Couldn't open either. Refunded..
Who else has a problem with blue bears and crabs ganging up on you when you try to fight one but accidentally hit another and then get f***** up?
lmao. The spells are ok so far, I don't think they did barely any damage to the enemies though but we'll see.
ill shoot the dev an email and see why that is and see if we cant remedy that for ya :)
still waiting on the email...are you saving the file to the memory stick or the phone?
Who else has a problem with blue bears and crabs ganging up on you when you try to fight one but accidentally hit another and then get f***** up?
lmao. The spells are ok so far, I don't think they did barely any damage to the enemies though but we'll see.
crabs nothing I keep getting in a tussle with Pukas(blue bears) and Lycans ganging up on me. Im level 14 and still havent delivered the fortune cookie. Level Grind FTW!
Weapon.. Alright! I got it to download! At least the free version. I'll try downloading the full version if I like it. Questions.. The new "droid gripper" doesn't work for this game? Does this game use the physical keyboard or do you just use the touch screen? I realize these questions have probably already been answered in this thread, but it's a pretty long thread :)
Weapon.. Alright! I got it to download! At least the free version. I'll try downloading the full version if I like it. Questions.. The new "droid gripper" doesn't work for this game? Does this game use the physical keyboard or do you just use the touch screen? I realize these questions have probably already been answered in this thread, but it's a pretty long thread :)

Since Im on the incredible I cant really answer that question...altho I do know that the game gripper should work. You may have to remap some keys to get it working properly but thats fairly easy.
Weapon.. Alright! I got it to download! At least the free version. I'll try downloading the full version if I like it. Questions.. The new "droid gripper" doesn't work for this game? Does this game use the physical keyboard or do you just use the touch screen? I realize these questions have probably already been answered in this thread, but it's a pretty long thread :)
No it doesn't which pisses me off. It uses the WASD or Dpad to move, and the middle Dpad button to attack.
God I wish you could configure buttons, game would be sooooooo much better!! I want to use my game gripper!
The game is pretty damn fantasic. The localization is off a touch here and there, but overall the dialouge is entertaining. The gameplay is nice. They do a good job of making navigating and combat as easy as possible. I still have an issue lining up special attacks on occasion. The sound and graphics are great. I also wish for customizable keyboard mapping though!
I played the trial and just got (not bought) the paid version so I'll have to do all that over again lol ugh

I know alot of folks give you **** over this, and I apologize but I must as well. WHY do you always insist on letting everybody know that you acquire your games thru less than legal means? The "got (not bought) the paid version" is a dead give away. Why couldn't you have left it at "got the paid version"?

I mean, i'd venture to say that MOST of us have obtained a copy of a program for "evaluation purposes" using less than Kosher methods..... However, it's like smoking weed..... Alot of people do it, most don't talk about it.