App/Shortcut to quickly clear notifications?


I just spent literally 45 minutes+ trying to find an app that will clear notifications with 1 click. I was also trying to research creating custom shortcuts for AnyCut but came up with nothing.

I know dragging the bar down and clicking clear is pretty simple. But when you have to do it so many times throughout the day it becomes tedious. Especially if I have my phone docked when I'm at my computer (exchange notifications don't automatically go away when you read the message on your PC). Would really be nice to have a shortcut on the home screen to instantly clear notifications.


Great idea, there should be an app that does this. Same effect as the "clear all" button only in widget form


New Member
Realize it's been a year, but did anyone ever a find a way to do this? The task killers do not clear notifications, at least none of the ones I've tried do.