annoying email alerts


New Member
I am sure this is listed somewhere but I can find it, I what to turn off the email reminders, I don't mind it telling me I have new emails when they come in but I don't want it to keep reminding me until I mark them as read. Without being able to select all and mark as read easily this can be very annoying when you get alot of email as I do.


Premium Member
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Theme Developer
Mine only tells me once, unless I shut off my phone or somehting?


New Member
I am using the default email program that comes with it, I have three accounts my exchange, and two different verizon pop accounts, and it seems to endlessly alert me that I have emails, even though there are no new emails, only ones I have not read yet, I don't (can't) read all of them on my phone as I am back an forth from my laptop to the droid all day.


I don't have the default email client installed anymore, but I don't remember a nag option to keep reminding you. Open the client and then menu/settings and look for notification options.


Active Member
The stock email (not gmail) account is pretty goofy. I turned off notifications because of the repeat notifications, among other things. (under settings in the app's menu)

You could try K-9 mail from the market, but I hear it's pretty buggy, too.

YMMV as always. :)