Zooming when using GMail


New Member
Nov 10, 2009
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Hope this has not been asked already but how does one zoom while in GMail. Currently the font is a little too small at times and I would like to be able to make it larger on the fly. I only seem to see the zoom option in the browser.

Any ideas here?
there is no zoom or font control for email, it is my largest complaint about the phone.
guess you have to use the web browser. if you need to set google to desktop then you'll def be able to zoom in the browser.
Same issue here -- noticed that the enlarge-reduce button can't be seen because the layout of the gmail has a bar at the bottom of the screen for disposition of the mail.

Maybe if the layout was changed that enlarge/reduce button would be visible?
Actually if that were the case you could still double cick to zoom, but the software/app doesn't yet allow it, same with the other 'e-mail' app.